miercuri, 17 martie 2010

What does not destroy me makes stronger...

Stop! Stop for a minute... Stop thinking about the things that happened today, and are still bothering you because of the injustice and unfaireness... But, come on!...You always knew how the world you are living in works...
Now, that you cleared your mind, stop making plans for tommorow...
Just take a deep breathe and feel the force you've won... And it's all yours, just use it...
I know you'll give up never.... That's why you cry somewhere deep in your soul like an wounded animal, but not a tear has the courage to cross your cheek, cause you now it's worthless.... Smile - you're alive  :) .

Un comentariu:

  1. Stii sa "atingi" cu adevarat lucrurile ce conteaza...Sau ce ar trebui sa conteze (pentru ca nu mereu intelegi)...Great!
